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Educational & Cultural Center

Mu’Min™ was blessed to be able to acquire a land about 4 years ago and dedicated it to the building of a much needed Masjid. Since then we have been trying to gather assistance to complete our goal. The architectural plan, technical and financial details are enclosed.


Food & Clothing for Street Children

Please help us in satisfying basic physiological needs like food and clothing with $1/ per day.

This year we have targeted 100 students in order to help them find benefactors like you.This charitable person or organization is expected to help us provide meals on more predictable terms, in order to keep these children from begging for food. For example it takes about $30 to feed a child for 1 month on the basis of $1/per day. Donors can choose how many children can benefit from their sponsorship. Once we have your commitment, Mu’Min™ can ensure proper administration and due diligence. Please click 'Donate' below to make your pledge. 


School Bus

Laduni Institute and Al-Ahmadiya are our sponsored schools. They serve boys and girls ages 3 to 15. Despite our will and intentions, the school is in acute need of a new bus as most students come to and from school in horse carriages and motorcycles. This mode of transportation could be improved with your help in all Encompassing Generosity.


Trade school




This year we are introducing a trade school to help our graduating children have more marketable assets. 

Our focus is to have:

  • Girls sewing center

  • Carpentry training 

  • Auto-mechanic training 

  • Commercial welding training

This will allow our now growing children to be more contributing citizens and economically empowered.






Computer Lab

3 years ago our schools were fortunate enough, with your help, to have their very first computer lab. However, with our growing population it now can only serve one-third of the students. Our students need your help to acquire more PC units to make it more accessible to the student body. 







We are thankful for the opportunity to share this venture.


Our gratitude to you is

ongoing, unaltered and growing.

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